Yoga in the New Forest

Yoga one to one session
A private yoga session is a beautiful opportunity to work one-to-one with Ruth. These sessions are great if you are new to yoga or if you wish to go deeper into your existing practice. Some people prefer working individually than in a group, some like to have a few one to ones to gain confidence before coming to a group class. The one to ones will be online and you will be given an individual link to the session.
The one to one session will be tailored to your needs. For example it could include;
Healing Somatic Movement flows to ease physical discomfort or tension.
Investigate and experience various yoga practices in a safe environment suited to your needs. This can be related to a specific body area e.g. the core, hips, knees, back
Explore meditation techniques and find an inner connection for health and wellbeing. During the session various meditation techniques can be experienced to find the one that is right for you.
Learning Breathing techniques to release stress and anxiety or restore energy and vitality.
Develop strength in the core and pelvic floor by Learning Hypopressives technique in a series of sessions.
Back care yoga, learn practices to relieve pain, heal and strengthen the back. Ruth is a fully trained Yoga for Healthy backs teacher.​
One to One Investment
£50 for 50 minutes.
Although do allow an hour for comings and goings at the beginning and end of session.
Please email me to arrange a time for us to discuss how I can help you.

Lets talk about pelvic floor, core strength and alignment.
Hypopressives is relatively new to the UK. It is a series of movements and breathing practices to target the core and deep muscles. It is particularly effective to treat and help stress incontinence, prolapse, hernia and pelvic floor issues. The movements do not put any negative pressure on internal organs (like some traditional core training eg sit ups ) it's great for alignment and toning core areas. Working from the inside out, we develop strength and tone.
Hypopressives targets the deep tissues and muscles which become weak over time if not used, or if they have been stressed (e.g. repetitive cough, extra pressure from weigh training or running, and child birth) . The technique involves learning specific breathing techniques to engage the diaphragm, reducing the pressure in the abdominal cavity. Practicing Hypopressives increases the resting tone and involuntary function of the core muscles. The core starts to work as a whole to support your internal organs and allows integrative movements.
A lot of athletes are using it too (particularly runners) although they seem so toned, strong and fit from the outside, the underlying deep tissues and muscles essential for support of organs are not engaged. They are experiencing prolapse, stress incontinence etc ........
Hypopressives is usually taught 1 to 1 as it involves quite specific breathing techniques and movements to engage the diaphragm muscle, I also run day workshops for an introduction to this technique in small groups.
Have a look for the next workshop or book a one to one and we can get started straight away.
One to One Investment
£50 for 50 minutes.
Although do allow an hour for comings and goings at the beginning and end of session.
Please email me to arrange a time for us to discuss how I can help you.

Somatic Yoga
Therapeutic healing yoga
Finding ease of movement through gentle movement flows.
The practice of somatic yoga brings us to a beautiful connection with ourselves and the potential to bring more ease within the body.
The somatic therapeutic yoga offer the body new ways of movement, which can release underlying tensions and tightness. We begin to listen profoundly to our bodies and invite change with these subtle movement flows. It is that subtlety that provides deep and profound experience(s) of your own self which can lead to healing.
We can learn though the somatic therapeutic flows about our own bodies, how they develop movement patterns and habits of moving which sometimes are not helpful for us. We can then offer gentle corrective movement into the body with kindness and using the breath to soften which in turn brings increasing range of movement.
All of the weekly classes integrate the Somatic yoga flows. The multilevel yoga explores more dynamic movements and the gentle yoga offers a more softer, approach.
if you would like to know more or join one of the classes please do get in touch or join the mailing list
One to One Investment
£50 for 50 minutes.
Although do allow an hour for comings and goings at the beginning and end of session.
Please email me to arrange a time for us to discuss how I can help you.